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Our ecclesiastical partners

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The Canadian Assemblies of God family of churches and its French Quebec branch of Les Assemblées de Dieu Canadiennes Françaises particularly sponsor and support the ITIM. Canadian Assemblies of God have adopted ITIM as their Bible school. Under this partnership, it is administered at the ITIM some programs of the FTSR rooted in the Holy Scripture and compatible with the Protestant Reformation, the Evangelical Tradition, and the Spirit of Pentecost.

ITIM is in partnership with l’Assemblée chrétienne de la croissance.

ITIM is in partnership with l’Assemblée de la Bonne Nouvelle à Montréal.

ITIM is in partnership with Mission du plein évangile Canada.

ITIM is in partnership with lÉglise évangélique baptiste Smyrne.

ITIM is in partnership with lÉglise évangélique Vision de la lumière.

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